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Ebook English Grammar in Use Với Câu Trả Lời Và Sách Điện Tử Tương Tác [Ấn Bản Lần 5] [PDF + File Audio MP3] [9654E]

English Grammar in Use là lựa chọn hàng đầu dành cho người học trình độ trung cấp (B1 B2) và bao gồm tất cả ngữ pháp bạn cần ở cấp độ này. Cuốn sách này có giải thích rõ ràng và bài tập thực hành đã giúp hàng triệu người trên thế giới cải thiện tiếng Anh của mình. Nó cũng bao gồm một sách điện tử tương tác với audio mà bạn có thể sử dụng trực tuyến hoặc tải xuống iPad hoặc Android tablet của mình. Nó hoàn hảo cho việc tự học và cũng có thể được giáo viên sử dụng như một cuốn sách bổ sung trong lớp học.

Mục lục:

  • ✓ Unit 1. Present continuous (I am doing).
  • ✓ Unit 2. Present simple (I do).
  • ✓ Unit 3. Present continuous and present simple 1 (I am doing and I do).
  • ✓ Unit 4. Present continuous and present simple 2 (I am doing and I do).
  • ✓ Unit 5. Past simple (I did).
  • ✓ Unit 6. Past continuous (I was doing).
  • ✓ Unit 7. Present perfect 1 (I have done).
  • ✓ Unit 8. Present perfect 2 (I have done).
  • ✓ Unit 9. Present perfect continuous (I have been doing).
  • ✓ Unit 10. Present perfect continuous and simple (I have been doing and I have done).
  • ✓ Unit 11. how long have you (been) … ?
  • ✓ Unit 12. for and since when … ? and how long … ?
  • ✓ Unit 13. Present perfect and past 1 (I have done and I did).
  • ✓ Unit 14. Present perfect and past 2 (I have done and I did).
  • ✓ Unit 15. Past perfect (I had done).
  • ✓ Unit 16. Past perfect continuous (I had been doing).
  • ✓ Unit 17. have and have got.
  • ✓ Unit 18. used to (do).
  • ✓ Unit 19. Present tenses (I am doing / I do) for the future.
  • ✓ Unit 20. I’m going to (do).
  • ✓ Unit 21. will and shall 1.
  • ✓ Unit 22. will and shall 2.
  • ✓ Unit 23. I will and I’m going to.
  • ✓ Unit 24. will be doing and will have done.
  • ✓ Unit 25. when I do and when I’ve done if and when.
  • ✓ Unit 26. can, could and (be) able to.
  • ✓ Unit 27. could (do) and could have (done).
  • ✓ Unit 28. must and can’t.
  • ✓ Unit 29. may and might 1.
  • ✓ Unit 30. may and might 2.
  • ✓ Unit 31. have to and must.
  • ✓ Unit 32. must mustn’t needn’t.
  • ✓ Unit 33. should 1.
  • ✓ Unit 34. should 2.
  • ✓ Unit 35. I’d better … it’s time …
  • ✓ Unit 36. would.
  • ✓ Unit 37. can/could/would you … ? etc. (Requests, offers, permission and invitations).
  • ✓ Unit 38. if I do … and if I did …
  • ✓ Unit 39. if I knew … I wish I knew …
  • ✓ Unit 40. if I had known … I wish I had known …
  • ✓ Unit 41. wish.
  • ✓ Unit 42. Passive 1 (is done / was done).
  • ✓ Unit 43. Passive 2 (be done / been done / being done).
  • ✓ Unit 44. Passive 3.
  • ✓ Unit 45. it is said that … he is said to … he is supposed to …
  • ✓ Unit 46. have something done.
  • ✓ Unit 47. Reported speech 1 (he said that …).
  • ✓ Unit 48. Reported speech 2.
  • ✓ Unit 49. Questions 1.
  • ✓ Unit 50. Questions 2 (do you know where … ? / he asked me where …).
  • ✓ Unit 51. Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.) I think so / I hope so etc.
  • ✓ Unit 52. Question tags (do you? isn’t it? etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 53. Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 54. Verb + to … (decide to … / forget to … etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 55. Verb (+ object) + to … (I want you to …).
  • ✓ Unit 56. Verb + -ing or to … 1 (remember, regret etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 57. Verb + -ing or to … 2 (try, need, help).
  • ✓ Unit 58. Verb + -ing or to … 3 (like / would like etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 59. prefer and would rather.
  • ✓ Unit 60. Preposition (in/for/about etc.) + -ing.
  • ✓ Unit 61. be/get used to … (I’m used to …).
  • ✓ Unit 62. Verb + preposition + -ing (succeed in -ing / insist on -ing etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 63. there’s no point in -ing, it’s worth -ing etc.
  • ✓ Unit 64. to … , for … and so that …
  • ✓ Unit 65. Adjective + to …
  • ✓ Unit 66. to … (afraid to do) and preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing).
  • ✓ Unit 67. see somebody do and see somebody doing.
  • ✓ Unit 68. -ing clauses (He hurt his knee playing football.).
  • ✓ Unit 69. Countable and uncountable 1.
  • ✓ Unit 70. Countable and uncountable 2.
  • ✓ Unit 71. Countable nouns with a/an and some.
  • ✓ Unit 72. a/an and the.
  • ✓ Unit 73. the 1.
  • ✓ Unit 74. the 2 (school / the school etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 75. the 3 (children / the children).
  • ✓ Unit 76. the 4 (the giraffe / the telephone / the old etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 77. Names with and without the 1.
  • ✓ Unit 78. Names with and without the 2.
  • ✓ Unit 79. Singular and plural.
  • ✓ Unit 80. Noun + noun (a bus driver / a headache).
  • ✓ Unit 81. -’s (your sister’s name) and of … (the name of the book).
  • ✓ Unit 82. myself/yourself/themselves etc.
  • ✓ Unit 83. a friend of mine my own house on my own / by myself.
  • ✓ Unit 84. there … and it …
  • ✓ Unit 85. some and any.
  • ✓ Unit 86. no/none/any nothing/nobody etc.
  • ✓ Unit 87. much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty.
  • ✓ Unit 88. all / all of most / most of no / none of etc.
  • ✓ Unit 89. both / both of neither / neither of either / either of.
  • ✓ Unit 90. all every whole.
  • ✓ Unit 91. each and every.
  • ✓ Unit 92. Relative clauses 1: clauses with who/that/which.
  • ✓ Unit 93. Relative clauses 2: clauses with and without who/that/which.
  • ✓ Unit 94. Relative clauses 3: whose/whom/where.
  • ✓ Unit 95. Relative clauses 4: extra information clauses (1).
  • ✓ Unit 96. Relative clauses 5: extra information clauses (2).
  • ✓ Unit 97. -ing and -ed clauses (the woman talking to Tom, the boy injured in the accident).
  • ✓ Unit 98. Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed (boring/bored etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 99. Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired.
  • ✓ Unit 100. Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/quickly).
  • ✓ Unit 101. Adjectives and adverbs 2 (well, fast, late, hard/hardly).
  • ✓ Unit 102. so and such.
  • ✓ Unit 103. enough and too.
  • ✓ Unit 104. quite, pretty, rather and fairly.
  • ✓ Unit 105. Comparative 1 (cheaper, more expensive etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 106. Comparative 2 (much better / any better etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 107. Comparative 3 (as … as / than).
  • ✓ Unit 108. Superlative (the longest, the most enjoyable etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 109. Word order 1: verb + object; place and time.
  • ✓ Unit 110. Word order 2: adverbs with the verb.
  • ✓ Unit 111. still any more yet already.
  • ✓ Unit 112. even.
  • ✓ Unit 113. although though even though in spite of despite.
  • ✓ Unit 114. in case.
  • ✓ Unit 115. unless as long as provided.
  • ✓ Unit 116. as (as I walked … / as I was … etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 117. like and as.
  • ✓ Unit 118. like as if.
  • ✓ Unit 119. during for while.
  • ✓ Unit 120. by and until by the time ...
  • ✓ Unit 121. at/on/in (time).
  • ✓ Unit 122. on time and in time at the end and in the end.
  • ✓ Unit 123. in/at/on (position) 1.
  • ✓ Unit 124. in/at/on (position) 2.
  • ✓ Unit 125. in/at/on (position) 3.
  • ✓ Unit 126. to, at, in and into.
  • ✓ Unit 127. in/on/at (other uses).
  • ✓ Unit 128. by.
  • ✓ Unit 129. Noun + preposition (reason for, cause of etc.).
  • ✓ Unit 130. Adjective + preposition 1.
  • ✓ Unit 131. Adjective + preposition 2.
  • ✓ Unit 132. Verb + preposition 1 to and at.
  • ✓ Unit 133. Verb + preposition 2 about/for/of/after.
  • ✓ Unit 134. Verb + preposition 3 about and of.
  • ✓ Unit 135. Verb + preposition 4 of/for/from/on.
  • ✓ Unit 136. Verb + preposition 5 in/into/with/to/on.
  • ✓ Unit 137. Phrasal verbs 1 Introduction.
  • ✓ Unit 138. Phrasal verbs 2 in/out.
  • ✓ Unit 139. Phrasal verbs 3 out.
  • ✓ Unit 140. Phrasal verbs 4 on/off (1).
  • ✓ Unit 141. Phrasal verbs 5 on/off (2).
  • ✓ Unit 142. Phrasal verbs 6 up/down.
  • ✓ Unit 143. Phrasal verbs 7 up (1).
  • ✓ Unit 144. Phrasal verbs 8 up (2).
  • ✓ Unit 145. Phrasal verbs 9 away/back.
  • ✓ Appendix 1. Regular and irregular verbs.
  • ✓ Appendix 2. Present and past tenses.
  • ✓ Appendix 3. The future.
  • ✓ Appendix 4. Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.).
  • ✓ Appendix 5. Short forms (I’m / you’ve / didn’t etc.).
  • ✓ Appendix 6. Spelling.
  • ✓ Appendix 7. American English.
  • ✓ Additional exercises.
  • ✓ Study guide.
  • ✓ Key to Exercises.
  • ✓ Key to Additional exercises.
  • ✓ Key to Study guide.

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