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Chia Sẻ Khóa Học Câu Hỏi Và Câu Trả Lời Phỏng Vấn Kỹ Thuật Linux 2019 [Khóa 9957 A]

04 tháng 7 2019 / No Comments

Một số Nội dung Chính:

Linux system Troubleshooting - Part 1
  • 1- How to view all messages generated by the system since the last reboot on RHEL7/CentOS 7?
  • 2- How to check log messages related to kernel?
  • 3- How can you continuously monitor logs as they come in?
  • 4- Where can you find messages related to the installation of Linux?
  • 5- Where are most of the log files located?

Linux system Troubleshooting - Part 2
Kernel Parameters - Ulimit
  • 6- To improve performance, how can you safely set the limit of processes for the super-user root to be unlimited?
  • 7- Where can you set the resource limits for users logged in via PAM?
  • 8- How to check ulimit for a user?
  • 9- How to check and increase the limit of opened files in Linux?
  • 10- How to view run time kernel parameters?
  • 11- How to change runtime kernel parameter for maximum shared segment size in bytes?
  • 12- How to view Boot time parameters and which file is modified to change these parameters?

Linux system Troubleshooting - Part 3
Troubleshooting with uptime lsof pidof sar and more
  • 13- How to check system load without top command?
  • 14- By default load average is shown in how many intervals?
  • 15- How can you get the physical and virtual memory statistics?
  • 16- How to check cpu utilization and other statistics?
  • 17- How to find process id of a process and kill it immediatley?
  • 18- How to list all open files by specified user?
  • 19- How to list all open files by specified command?
  • 20- How can you list all network connections by port 22?

Advanced Linux system administrations questions and answers:
  • 1-  Run a command that shows all lines except any lines starting with the a character "#" in a file?
  • 2-  How can you continuously monitor log files for errors?
  • 3-  How to automatically remove files older than 7 days by creating a cron job to run every night?
  • 4-  How to list/print all created users on the system and send(redirect) them to a file?
  • 5-  How would you list only the 2nd column from a file?
  • 6-  How to broadcast a message to all logged -in users?
  • 7-  How to create a user with no login access?
  • 8-  How to schedule a server reboot in 15 minutes?
  • 9-  How to find disk usage by the largest directories?
  • 10- How to prevent users from deleting other users files in a directory?
  • 11- How to display 10th line of a file only?
  • 12- Your server got hacked. Due to the amount of damage, the whole server needs to be restored.
  •     How would you go about doing that?
  • 13- What necessary steps should be taken to enhance the security of a server
  •     after the initial install?
  • 14- Which file is the most commonly known to check for log messages?
  • 15- How and why to disable ping?
  • 16- Explain the different fields in /etc/passwd?
  • 17- Which cammand can tell how long the system has been running?
  • 18- How to check if a port is listening?
  • 19- You got a ticket stating server is down, how would you troubleshoot?
  • 20- How to find all files in /bin with specified(755) permissions?

Part 2: 
  • 1- What is the default port & configuration file of SSH Server ?
  • 2- How to change the default ssh port in linux ?
  • 3- How to change Maximum allowed sessions through SSH?
  • 4- What is the configuration file of ssh client ?
  • 5- How to disable SSH root login in linux server ?
  • 6- How to allow only specific users to ssh your linux server ?
  • 7- SCP and how its used?
  • 8- How to check SSH server’s Version ?
  • 9- How to setup password less ssh authentication in Linux?

Part 3: 
  • 1- How to extend SWAP space?
  • 2- How to extend a logical volume?
  • 3- How to create a logical volume?
  • 4- How to create a volume group?
  • 5- How to create a physical volume after the disk space has been added?
  • 6- Is it possible to increase the logical volume on the fly?
  • 7- How to reduce the logical volume and is it possible to reduce it on the fly?
  • 8-9- How to scan disks for existing volume group and how to scan a logical 
  • volume from existing volume group?
  • 10-11-12-13- How to activate, deactivate, disable/enable a logical volume and a volume group?
  •      How to activated the logical volume which in deactivated state?
  •      How to disable the volume group ? or Deactivate the volume group? 
  •      How to enable the volume group ? or Activate the volume group?
  • 14- What is the default size of a physical extent in LVM?
  • 15-16-17- 
  • How to list the available logical, physical volumes and see detailed volume group info on the system?
  • How to list the available physical volumes in LVM?
  • How to see the detailed volume group information?

Part 4: 
  • 1- How to find files that are over 10MB in size?
  • 2- How would would you run a command that shows all lines containing a character # in a file?
  • 3- How would you display all lines of a file with line numbers?
  • 4- How to find current system information such as the version or release info of your server?
  • 5- Where are the files located for network interfaces?
  • 6- Which command can you run to find if a certain package has been installed?
  • 7- How to find out total lines in a file without opening that file?
  • 8- How to find disk usage by the largest directories?
  • 9- How to find all directories named conf under root?
  • 10- How to find files not accessed in over 3 days?
  • 11- How to view difference between 2 files?
  • 12- What is the location of system configuration files that should be backed up regularly?
  • 13- What is the command to view all the currently logged in users?

Linux system administration Q&A
  • 1- Which 2 files contain default values when creating a user with useradd command?
  • Questions 2-8 covered in one lecture: 
  • 2- What is the command to create a user with a pre defined uid, shell and
  •  home directory?
  • 3- How to delete a user with his home directory?
  • 4- How to create a user specifying a primary/Secondary grp?
  • 5- How to change primary group for any user?
  • 6- How can you give a normal user all the root level privileges?
  • 7- How can you give sudo access to any user without asking him to
  •  provide password every time he runs a command?
  • 7- How to view the User's login and logout details?
  • 8- How to lock & unlock the User Account ?
  • Questions 9-14 covered in one lecture: 
  • 9- What is the command to view and change the expiry date for any user?
  • 10- What are the fields of /etc/passwd file?
  • 11- What is the difference between .bash_profile and .bashrc?
  • 12- What are the details you get with finger command?
  • 13- Name 3 files which are automatically created inside any user's home directory when a user is 
  • added?
  • 14- What is the command to view all the currently logged in users?

Linux basic system administration questions and answers: 
  • 1- Which 2 files contain the default values when creating a user with useradd command?
  • Questions 2-8 covered in part 2: 
  • 2- What is the command to create a user with a pre defined uid, shell and  home directory?
  • 3- How to delete a user with his home directory?
  • 4- How to create a user specifying a primary/Secondary grp?
  • 5- How to change primary group for any user?
  • 6- How can you give a normal user all the root level privileges?
  • 7- How can you give sudo access to any user without asking him to  provide password every time he runs a command?
  • 7- How to view the User's login and logout details?
  • 8- How to lock & unlock the User Account ?
  • Questions 9-14 covered in part 3: 
  • 9- What is the command to view and change the expiry date for any user?
  • 10- What are the fields of /etc/passwd file?
  • 11- What is the difference between .bash_profile and .bashrc?
  • 12- What are the details you get with finger command?
  • 13- Name 3 files which are automatically created inside any user's home directory when a user is  added?
  • 14- What is the command to view all the currently logged in users?

Linux Basic Technical questions and answers 
  • How to display hidden files?
  • Whats the difference between $ and # prompts on CLI?
  • How to find an error in a file?
  • How to make a directory?
  • How to remove a directory?
  • How to create a file?
  • How to move a file?
  • How to delete a file?
  • What is the default port # for DNS
  • What is the DNS package name?
  • what is the configuration file for DNS and its location?
  • List 3 types of file system?
  • List any 4 Linux flavors?
  • How to log off from Linux system?
  • How to check if a package is installed?
  • How to check your previously typed in commands?
  • Where are zone files located for DNS?
  • What is the command to find your current directory?
  • How to check file permissions?
  • How to find file type of a file?
  • How to find where passwd command is located?
  • what command is used for changing file permissions?
  • What command is used to read top/bottom part of a file?
  • How to check mtu, ip and MAC address?
  • How to get help on certain commands?
  • How to find your host name?
  • How to count total lines of a file?
  • What is the command to create a group?
  • How to reboot a Linux machine with init command?
  • Where are the user passwords saved?
  • How to find running processes on your system?
  • where is the network time configuration file located?
  • When is the last command used?

Student suggested Videos
19 new Lectures added to student suggested videos Section: 
  • Boot Process RHEL/CentOS 6 and 7                                                           
  • Run Levels                                                                                                   
  • Targets                                                                                                                  
  • NIC Bonding                                                                                                     
  • What are Linux Distributions?                                                                         
  • What are the advantages of using Linux?                                                      
  • What is Linux?                                                                                                      
  • What is a virtual environment or virtualization?                                             
  • How to download and install Oracle Virtual Box?                                            
  • How to download and install Redhat Linux?                                                  
  • How to download, install and connect through putty?                                 
  • What are different ways of accessing a Linux Server?                                  
  • What is absolute vs relative Path?                                                                    
  • How to Count Words, Lines and Characters in a file?                                    
  • How to display and set the server's Hostname?                                               
  • Explain vi editor basics?                                                                                    
  • How to list and modify System Timezone?                                                        
  • How to find help within Linux?                                                                         
  • How to compress and archive files?                                                                  

New Section added: "Directory structure, Files, directories, permissions and more"
14 new lectures added:
  • Explain Linux Directory Structure                                                                       
  • What are the common file types used in Linux?                                              
  • How to create files and directories?                                                                  
  • How to list files and directories?                                                                            
  • How to display File Contents with cat, less, more and tail?                             
  • How to copy directories and files?                                                                       
  • How to move or rename directories and files?                                                   
  • How to remove directories and files?                                                                  
  • What are the file and directory control Attributes?                                           
  • Basics of File and Directory Permissions                                                            
  • How to modify file permissions?                                                                           
  • Explain default permissions and umask?                                                             
  • How to modify file ownership and group membership?                                     
  • What are special permissions: setuid, setgid and sticky bit?                            



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