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Chia Sẻ Khóa Học Ruby for Absolute Beginners! [Khóa 9821 A]

Ruby Tutorial for Absolute Beginners. Learn Ruby For Free. Go from Beginner to Expert in Ruby.

  • You will be able to learn write code using Ruby Programming language.
  • Learn Ruby in Simplest way possible
  • Learn about Loops in Ruby
  • Learn about Conditional Execution in Ruby
  • Learn about classes and modules in Ruby
  • Learn about different types of methods in Ruby
  • Learn about different types of variables in Ruby

Please find the curriculum or course contents below.
Section 1: Introduction 
  1. Introduction 
  2. Course Overview
Section 2: Software Setup
  1. Java Installation for Mac
  2. Bash Profile Set up for Mac
  3. Java Installation for Windows
  4. Ruby Installation for Mac
  5. Ruby Installation for Windows
  6. Rubymine installation for Mac
  7. Rubymine Installation for Windows
Section 3: Ruby Essentials
  1. What is String?
  2. String Methods
  3. More String Methods
  4. Integer Methods
  5. Conditional Execution - If & else
  6. If & Else continued
  7. Conditional Execution - Case
  8. String Interpolation
  9. Array in Ruby
  10. Looping - for/while/until
  11. Looping Continued
  12. Advanced Looping
  13. Hashes
  14. More Hashes
  15. Ruby Methods
  16. Ruby Methods Continued
  17. Ruby Methods With Default Value
  18. What are Ruby Classes?
  19. Ruby Classes Continued
  20. Regular Expressions
  21. Regular Expressions Continued
  22. Ruby Variables Types
  23. Ruby Variables Types Continued.
  24. Ruby as an OOP
  25. Ruby OOP - Encapsulation
  26. Ruby OOP - Inheritance
  27. Ruby OOP - Inheritance Continued
  28. Ruby OOP - Polymorphism
  29. Ruby Modules
  30. Ruby Modules Continued
  31. File IO
  32. File Loading
Section 4: Conclusion
33. References
34. Bonus 
36. Final words
Happy Coding!

Pass giải nén nếu có: http://nhasachtinhoc.blogspot.com

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