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Chia Sẻ Khóa Học Spring & Hibernate for Beginners (Includes Spring Boot) [Khóa 9920 A]

Spring Framework 5: Tìm hiểu về Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring REST, Spring Boot và Hibernate.
  • - Phát triển một dự án REAL-TIME với Spring MVC và Hibernate CRUD ... tất cả từ đầu.
  • - Các tính năng chính của Spring: Core, Annotations, cấu hình Java, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring REST, Spring Boot, Hibernate CRUD và Maven...

Tìm hiểu về các chủ đề HOT nhất trong Spring 5:

+ Spring Core
+ Spring Annotations.
+ Cấu hình Spring Java.
+ Spring AOP.
+ Spring MVC.
+ Hibernate CRUD.
+ Dự án thời gian thực Spring MVC và Hibernate CRUD.
+ Spring Security (với mã hóa mật khẩu trong cơ sở dữ liệu).
+ Spring REST (với dự án thời gian thực cơ sở dữ liệu CRUD đầy đủ).
+ Maven.

You Will Learn How To
  • Spring Core
    • Build a complete Spring MVC and Hibernate CRUD Project … all from scratch.
    • Set up your Spring and Hibernate development environment with Tomcat and Eclipse.
    • Wire beans together in the Spring container using Inversion of Control.
    • Configure the Spring container for Dependency Injection.
    • Define Spring Beans using the @Component annotation.
    • Perform auto-scanning of Spring beans to minimize configuration.
    • Automatically wire beans together using @Autowired annotation.
    • Apply all Java configuration to Spring Beans (no xml).
  • Spring MVC
    • Set up your Spring MVC environment with configs and directories.
    • Create controllers using @Controller annotation.
    • Read HTML form data using @RequestParam.
    • Leverage Spring MVC model to transport data between controller and view page.
    • Define Request Mappings for GET and POST requests.
    • Minimize coding with Spring MVC Form data binding.
    • Apply Spring MVC form validation on user input.
    • Create custom Spring MVC form validation rules.
  • Hibernate
    • Perform object/relational mapping with Hibernate.
    • Leverage the Hibernate API to develop CRUD apps.
    • Develop queries using the Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
    • Apply advanced Hibernate mappings: one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many.
    • Create a real-time project using Spring and Hibernate together in a Real-Time Project.
  • Spring AOP
    • Apply Aspect-Oriented-Programming AOP for cross-cutting concerns.
    • Examine AOP use-cases and how AOP can resolve code-tangling.
    • Create AOP pointcut expressions to match on method invocations.
    • Leverage AOP annotations: @Before, @After, @AfterReturning, @AfterThrowing, @Around.
    • Create a real-time project using AOP and Spring MVC together in a Real-Time Project.
  • Spring Security
    • Secure your web application with Spring Security.
    • Set up your Maven pom.xml file with compatible Spring Security dependencies.
    • Configure Spring Security with all Java configuration (no xml)
    • Create custom Spring Security login pages with Bootstrap CSS
    • Add logout support using default features of Spring Security
    • Leverage Spring Security support for Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
    • Define users and roles for authentication
    • Display user login info and role using Spring Security tags
    • Restrict access to URLs based on user role
    • Hide and Display content based on user role
    • Add JDBC authentication, store user accounts and passwords in the database
    • Store encrypted passwords in the database using bcrypt
    • Register new users and encrypt passwords using Java code
    • Create a Spring Security Real-Time Project using authorization, authentication and database encryption
  • Spring REST Web Services – Spring REST APIs
    • Overview of REST Web Services – REST APIs
    • Investigating Spring REST support
    • Sending JSON data over HTTP
    • JSON Data Binding with the Jackson project
    • Converting JSON data to Java POJO with Jackson
    • Processing nested JSON objects and JSON arrays
    • Developing a Spring REST API
    • Setting up a Spring REST project with Maven
    • Creating the Spring REST Controller using @RestController
    • Running the Spring REST Controller with Eclipse and Tomcat
    • Testing Spring REST Web Services with Postman
    • Parameterize REST API endpoints using @PathVariable
    • Add Spring REST exception handling with @ExceptionHandler
    • Integrate global REST exception handling with @ControllerAdvice
    • Leverage ResponseEntity for fine-grained control of Spring REST HTTP response
    • Build REST API to execute CRUD actions on the Database with Hibernate
    • Create a Real-Time Project using REST API with full database CRUD
  • Maven
    • Simplify your build process with Maven
    • Create Maven POM files and add dependencies
    • Search Central Maven repository for Dependency Coordinates
    • Run Maven builds from the Eclipse IDE
    • Use Maven during the development of Real-Time Projects for Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring REST and Hibernate.





Pass Giải Nén Winrar: http://nhasachtinhoc.blogspot.com

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