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Chia Sẻ Khóa Học Master Java Web Services and REST API with Spring Boot [Khóa 9860 A]

Learn to develop RESTful and SOAP Java Web Services with Spring and Spring Boot in 90 easy steps

What Will I Learn?
  • What is a Web Service?
  • What is a RESTful Web Service?
  • How to implement RESTful Web Services with Spring and Spring Boot?
  • What are the best practices in designing RESTful Web Services?
  • How to design Resources and GET, POST and DELETE operations?
  • How to implement Validation for RESTful Web Services?
  • How to implement Exception Handling for RESTful Web Services?
  • What is HATEOAS? How to implement HATEOAS for a Resource?
  • What are the different approach in versioning RESTful Services?
  • How to use Postman to execute RESTful Service Requests?
  • How to implement basic authentication with Spring Security?
  • How to implement filtering for RESTful Services?
  • How to monitor RESTful Services with Spring Boot Actuator?
  • How to document RESTful Web Services with Swagger?
  • How to connect RESTful Services to a backend with JPA?
  • What is a SOAP Web Service?
  • What is WSDL (Web Service Definition Language)?
  • What is SOAP Header, SOAP Body and SOAP Fault?
  • What is an XSD (XML Schema Definition)?
  • How to write an XSD for your requests and responses?
  • What is JAXB (Java API for XML Binding)?
  • What is an Endpoint?
  • What is a Contract First approach?
  • What are the different steps in building SOAP Web Services with Spring Web Services & Spring Boot?
  • How to build different SOAP Web services for GetCourseDetailsRequest, GetAllCourseDetailsRequest and DeleteCourseDetailsRequest?
  • How to use Wizdler to execute SOAP Requests?
  • How to implement exception handling for SOAP Web Services?
  • How to implement basic security with WS Security for SOAP Web Services?

Step wise Details
RESTful Web Services 
  • Step 01 - Initializing a RESTful Services Project with Spring Boot
  • Step 02 - Understanding the RESTful Services we would create in this course
  • Step 03 - Creating a Hello World Service
  • Step 04 - Enhancing the Hello World Service to return a Bean
  • Step 05 - Quick Review of Spring Boot Auto Configuration and Dispatcher Servlet - What's happening in the background?
  • Step 06 - Enhancing the Hello World Service with a Path Variable
  • Step 07 - Creating User Bean and User Service
  • Step 08 - Implementing GET Methods for User Resource
  • Step 09 - Implementing POST Method to create User Resource
  • Step 10 - Enhancing POST Method to return correct HTTP Status Code and Location URI
  • Step 11 - Implementing Exception Handling - 404 Resource Not Found
  • Step 12 - Implementing Generic Exception Handling for all Resources
  • Step 13 - Exercise : User Post Resource and Exception Handling
  • Step 14 - Implementing DELETE Method to delete a User Resource
  • Step 15 - Implementing Validations for RESTful Services
  • Step 16 - Implementing HATEOAS for RESTful Services
  • Step 17 - Overview of Advanced RESTful Service Features
  • Step 18 - Internationalization for RESTful Services
  • Step 19 - Content Negotiation - Implementing Support for XML
  • Step 20 - Configuring Auto Generation of Swagger Documentation
  • Step 21 - Introduction to Swagger Documentation Format
  • Step 22 - Enhancing Swagger Documentation with Custom Annotations
  • Step 23 - Monitoring APIs with Spring Boot Actuator
  • Step 24 - Implementing Static Filtering for RESTful Service
  • Step 25 - Implementing Dynamic Filtering for RESTful Service
  • Step 26 - Versioning RESTful Services - Basic Approach with URIs
  • Step 27 - Versioning RESTful Services - Header and Content Negotiation Approaches
  • Step 28 - Implementing Basic Authentication with Spring Security
  • Step 29 - Overview of Connecting RESTful Service to JPA
  • Step 30 - Creating User Entity and some test data
  • Step 31 - Updating GET methods on User Resource to use JPA
  • Step 32 - Updating POST and DELETE methods on User Resource to use JPA
  • Step 33 - Creating Post Entity and Many to One Relationship with User Entity
  • Step 34 - Implementing a GET service to retrieve all Posts of a User
  • Step 35 - Implementing a POST service to create a Post for a User
  • Step 36 - Richardson Maturity Model
  • Step 37 - RESTful Services Best Practices
SOAP Web Services
  • Step 01 - Initialize a Spring Web Services application with Spring Boot
  • Step 02 - Overview of creating SOAP Web Service using Contract First Approach
  • Step 03 - Define Request and Response XML Structure
  • Step 04 - Define XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Request - GetCourseDetailsRequest
  • Step 05 - Define XML Schema Definition (XSD) for Respone - GetCourseDetailsResponse
  • Step 06 - More about XML Schema Definition and Implementing XSD Best Practices
  • Step 07 - Introduction to Java API for XML Binding (JAXB) and Configuring JAXB 2 Maven Plugin
  • Step 08 - Configuring an Endpoint for GetCourseDetailsRequest
  • Step 09 - Spring Web Services Configuration - Message Dispatcher Servlet
  • Step 10 - Spring Web Services Configuration - Generating WSDL
  • Step 11 - Using Wizdler to execute SOAP Requests
  • Step 12 - Implementing a service - Course Details Service - backend with in memory array list
  • Step 13 - Implementing SOAP Web Service for GetAllCourseDetailsRequest
  • Step 14 - Quick introduction to different parts of a WSDL
  • Step 15 - Implementing SOAP Web Service for DeleteCourseDetailsRequest
  • Step 16 - Improving the DeleteCourseDetailsRequest - Using an Enum for Status
  • Step 17 - Exception Handling and SOAP Fault Responses
  • Step 18 - Implementing Security for SOAP Web Services with WS Security


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